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Friday, November 28, 2008

Now He is Six

Cake and candle.

Bean bags and bounce house.

Pozole and piƱata.

The prince of six.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Usual Suspects

As part of my extended 40th birthday celebration we got to stay in a vacant apartment in San Francisco. Maxine lived there from the late 1940s until she died some years ago — she was 97. She fancied "Oriental" decor and fancy stereo equipment. I think these headphones were hers. Thanks, Maxine.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ta da!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was swell, especially the goblet-sized lemon drops that my brother-in-law made — explains the silly grin, huh? Missed the hangover after my 21st birthday, saved it for my 40th. The orange chiffon cake was fab, too.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

First Birthday

c peeking
Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
I didn't get a chance to post a birthday photo yesterday for this wonderful little guy because I was recovering from a night of mastitis. It was a bit ironic as I recalled the 24 hours of labor exactly one year prior. Eleven pounds two ounces of sugar puddin' goodness and worth every push. Happy birthday, C. I love you so much I can hardly stand it.

Speaking of mastitis, did you know a potato poultice can help? A grated potato applied to the affected breast can relieve symptoms — in my case it instantly stopped the feverish shivering. I've used both the potato and the cabbage remedies before, both with success. In addition, I take hot baths and express with the electric breast pump. Rest is important, too.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Winner is...

Emily from What's That Gonna Be. She makes amazing art quilts and yarn. You should go give her blog a visit.

I'll send you an email soon, Emily.

Thanks again everyone. That was fun. Hopefully I'll have more giveaways soon.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

100 Posts 39 Years

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
NOTE: I call it "mama brain," my husband called it "pulling a lame-o." Did you notice that I never really told you what I was giving away? My grand idea is make another pincushion with chick and flower pins. Sound good? I hope this works for you all. Because of my mess up I'm going to extend the sign up until midnight tonight, Flickr comments included.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had a great day.


Well, it's about time for a give-away, no? Recently I found this embroidered trim that I thought had disappeared under suspicious circumstances. It turned up at the bottom of my floss basket. Whoops! So glad I didn't make any accusations.

Do you remember what I used it on? Yep, that chicken pincushion for the swap with Samantha. It remains one of my most viewed photos at Flickr, as well as one of the most common ways to find me through Google. Sometimes I wonder if "chicken pincushion" has some subversive meaning. Anyone?

So, leave a comment today, before midnight Pacific Standard Time, and tomorrow I will draw a name for one lucky winner. And, thank you everyone for being part of this thing that I love.

Oh, yeah, it's my birthday today. This is what I hope happens: a shower for my grubby self; finishing sewing the Hawaiian tunic to wear (Sounds like a muumuu, huh? One of the benefits of being 39.); shopping for fabric with the Bitter one; letting my four-year-old surprise me; riding the Giant Dipper; eating sushi; having banana cake with whipped cream, getting lots of hugs and kisses from the littles; no time outs.

P.S. Please make sure to leave a way for me to find you. You know Blogger isn't so good about this. I think you need to type the "www" before your blog address for it to work. If you're not sure, leave an email address. Melissa and Kristy, I'm not sure who you are.

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