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Friday, May 30, 2008

Cleavage and Crafting Braless

Son: What's that?
Me: Cleavage. It's like a valley, and, my boobs are like the mountains.
Son: Yeah. Except yours point down.



Latest keyword search that led someone to my blog:

"sewing, crafts, braless"

Huh? I guess that explains the upside down mountains.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What's that on your butt?

While walking around in a bottom-half girdle today, my older son said, "What's that on your butt?" Thinking something was stuck to my bottom, I brushed away — but, nothing was there. Then, I realized he was talking about the black girdle I was wearing. I don't usually wear girdles with my ancient maternity yoga pants and such, but today I was wearing a dress! And, it was sticking to my regular undergarments because I didn't have a slip, hence the smooth girdle. Quickly I came up with a white lie, "It's like bike shorts." His response, "It's a butt holder."

Ain't it the truth, man. Ain't it the truth.

How do they get so smart?

I promise some crafty photos soon. I'm close to finishing my first sweater! My goal is to take an Anthropologie-worthy photo of it that doesn't make me look feel like a wurst.

P.S. Thanks for the bra info. In the pre-internets days I would have only had a few friends to get quality info from. Who would have thought a b**b song and bra question could garner 21 comments. I love it. :)

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Friday, February 29, 2008

Do your b**bs hang low?

Do they wobble to an fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
like a Continental soldier?
Do your b**bs hang low?

Mine are hanging low, and the blown-out nursing bras aren't helping much.

I totally need to buy some bras. I'm close to weaning the little guy. Should I wait until then? Any leads on where to get good bras? I haven't had a regular bra in six years, probably haven't bought one in eight.

*****I had to edit the title because I've already gotten about ten google searches leading to this post.
