Cat is for C

cat for C
Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

dog for H
Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
While C was sick with a fever for four nights and five days my job was to carry him around the clock. Oy! My Back! My other job was to try and get those gnome costumes ready. Somehow, on the day before Halloween, C let me put him down just long enough to finish the gnomish garb.
Since I was working with fleece for H's gnome pants I got an idea to make a quick stuffed animal for C. And, since C LOVES cats (he signs "baby" for cats), I decided to stitch one up real quick.
First, I turned the fabric right sides together and drew a cat-like shape. While it was a work-in-progress I drew on some eyes and whiskers on the wrong side to let C know what I was up to. To save time I didn't even use pins. I didn't really care about symmetry or how it was going to look. I knew that as long as it had whiskers he'd be happy. I was planning on embroidering them after stuffing. But, after it was stuffed, he was wondering where the whiskers went. To keep him happy, I drew them on the right side with Sharpie marker. It worked! — even on the fuzzy side of the fabric. So I went ahead and drew the whole critter on. It was really fun and simple.
Then one had to be made for big brother, of course. The dog was not quite as easy because H is a little art director in the making. He wanted it slightly smaller than the cat. After it was stuffed and done he wasn't happy with the ear/face area. I altered it by cutting into the stuffed fleece and hand stitching it closed. Luckily fleece is very forgiving.
We've noticed around here that most of our dolls are either animals or guy dolls, or, now, guy/animal dolls. I'm seriously tempted to try and get one of Mimi's muscle men. We have a thing for the mustachioed set 'round these parts.
I love that he signs "baby" for cat. And I love how he squeezes and pats Minky the Real Live Cat.
I love those sharpie marker softies! They remind me so much of vintage (1920's I think) embroidered flat dolls.
love, love, love the dolls! wonderful!
I like them, they're stylish.
They are such cute dolls. :) I love how great they look while still being quick and easy.
When you say he signs "baby," is that his own sign or is he learning ASL?
futergirl - Funny you should ask because he does know some ASL. Baby, bird, fish, etc. But he has made up his own sign for thirsty. It's a variation on the real sign. Instead of a drinking motion, he puts his index finger on the top of his head. Which is different than hat which is also knows. It's all very cute.
What a clever lady you are! The dolls are adorable. Lucky boys!
Love the precious cat and dog "babies" Wish I was that creative to just make something like that on the spot. Noticed you asked people to invite you to view their blog on a previous post. Pick me! Pick me! Please feel free to visit my sewing blog. I plan to add you to my blogroll. Your blog is very fun to read!
I adore that dog, soo funny, the boy must love him a lot!
Bye and wish you a lot of inspiration!
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